What jewellery retouching techniques are used to underline beauty of our treasures?

What is jewelry? We know the answer for sure. Yet, humans in every culture on the planet wear jewelry of some kind. Everyone is the pretty obsessed with all those gold and silver ware which makes us more-and-more adorable. That’s why when it comes to jewelry; the point is all in the details. At this point digital photo editing services come into action. You may be quite good with camera, but as soon as you get down to shooting jewelry and proofing shoots, it would be no surprise that you get blurred, because snaps of small and shiny objects are time and effort-consuming. Especially difficulties in highlighting peculiar qualities of jewelry come vivid when you feel time crunch. Partnership proposition for ambitious professional photographers is a good thing to consider aiming on shooting jewellery.
Accurate representation of bijouterie, solid idea are the key, because customers are eager to find out as much as possible about the product they are intended to purchase. Beautiful, high quality photos enable them to make right decision. It must be noted that “hero” and catalogue advertising of jewellery are things to approach from different perspectives. With that in mind, we are going to drive your attention to the pitfalls of jewellery photography in order to showcase all the essential details.
Jewelry photography tips
Taking quality snaps of jewellery has been a mystery for a long time as it is the most complicated thing to photograph, especially when the shoots are for the catalogue use. The images should be smaller in catalogue photography and quite different techniques are used to approach it on the contrary to “hero” photography. Being pretty okay with the ins and outs constitute the efficiency of the work, therefore produced photos may and should be interchangeable. Consequently, consistence is requested. Though there may be some Controversial Advertising Campaigns - They Know How to Surprise, if it is required.
At this stage, speaking about classics in jewellery photos, the key points to pay attention to before going all out on photographing of all those shiny, tiny, spherical objects are sharpness, lightning, exposure and sparkle(when getting down to precious gem). In fact, professionals use some peculiar techniques which allow you to find way to the desirable, as it is said about Glamour Car Photo Editing – Over-Indulgence or Photography Necessity That’s why we’ll pay close attention to the most valuable points of the jewellery photography.
What lighting suits best for jewelry photography?
Lighting is key point in shooting jewelry. Here comes the biggest mistake amateurs make in jewelry photography. At the same time successful photographers use it in numerous manipulations to profit from it in dramatic and compelling jewelry photography. Coming near to photography the term candela wouldn’t be odd for you. And yes, you’re on the right way when thinking it has something to do with light and it’s spectrum. Amateurs plan to capture the same spectrum of light on a digital back as their eye sees. But that is far from reality, because we seize more light than the digital back. In order to clarify it we’ll talk about some lighting techniques.
Front lighting is the easiest form. The light is placed around the lens and is pointed towards the piece of bijouterie. It is used best for illustrating as it is flat. So, we assume that the result of work with such lighting is not highly productive. Direct lighting is another option. It produces images with high contrast and deep shadows, when the light comes from one source. It may be the Sun for example. That’s why direct lighting is mostly used in combinations with other forms, to make the result snaps softer and more creative. Diffused lighting is a sure fire way to get high quality jewelry photos. It is good in making accent on details, smothering them, and showing overall.
How to get high quality shots of reflective jewelry?
Reflectivness is another challenge on the way to high quality shots of reflective jewelry. At this point even professionals may get messed up. Jewelry is a specific product mirroring all around. There are some tricks to know to achieve the desirable. It is not about eliminating reflections but about managing it in the way you need to intensify the reflectivness of the piece. Still if you decide to eliminate all the reflections bijouterie is sure to be pale, plane and lifeless. Two-lighting set up is a nice decision to make photos as it will help you to avoid reflection on them.
Steps to avoid jewelry photography gone wrong
It is common knowledge that people learn on mistakes and failures. Unfortunately it is time consuming and not everyone can effort it. It would be great to take into consideration others experience to avoid common mistakes. Jewelry photography is a challenge itself. Making High quality photos of all that tiny, shiny stuff is pretty hard at every stage. But thinking the steps to do ahead has it’s profits.
First of all pay attention to the presentation of the product. You should make it proper, never ragged. You are to get rid of all unwanted details that can be removed beforehand. It would take you much time to remove them in post-production. After it, while examining the product, you may found some missing gems or details. Of course you can fix this problem while editing, but why you should spend time and efforts on it, if you can make your life easier being attentive.
Moreover, the dust! Oh, it seems as if this stuff were everywhere! That’s why polish the product, because even a speck of it is visible! Don’t forget using gloves.
Inconsistency is intolerable, especially when it comes to shooting jewelry. It affects customers greatly making them confused. What’s more it makes your professional skills lower implying the rate of the website you work with. Creating a full image of the product will make you good. Forget about varying setting and changing color of the background, as it harms. The point is that you should stick to one style in shooting.
It would be a sure mistake to use too busy backgrounds or with extra color. They only distract the attention from the piece of jewelry. It is recommended to use white or neutral colors for it. These tones make you concentrate on the product. Sure thing you may also use black for the background, but it is quite rare and only some agencies want such photos. That’s why it may cause problems while submitting.
Focus comes next. You should keep it while photographing with the aperture of f/11 of even more. Sharpness in jewelry photography is appreciated most of all. Soft focus is artsy but it is impossible to use it here. Customers are eager to see the product clearly as it is. That’s why only shots with proper focus can fight for customer’s attention.
Jewelry photography tips from famous photographers
You are sure to be acquainted with The Most Expensive & Luxury High End Photographs or List of the Best Advertising and Commercial Photographers.
To broaden your mind will speak about some jewelry professionals.
Sash Bell is one of the masters in jewelry photography. The secret of her work is quite simple. She takes photos outside if the day is cloudy and bright, or at the dusk. In such way she achieves clear white and diffuse light. The camera is set up on a manual micro setting. Choosing the angle to photograph from she tends to find it in such a way to show the most of the details. Finishing it, she edits the photos in a basic editing program.
Monica Barnhart Nachbar advises to make your own lighting box, if having none you may use morning light. Filter it through a drape. In sunny days you may also take photos but they are to be made in shade. Using a tripod and a timer will help you to minimize reflections if the jewelry is too much reflexive.
Jacqleen prefers daylight for all of her photos. She claims that 2.00 pm is the best time for photography, on a sunny day in indoor light. For the backgrounds she uses quite a number of things: old vintage books, music note sheets, roses etc. all this stuff creates the mood and the atmosphere. Boxes are inevitable in all her snaps. It reminds us about Esquire magazine - extraordinary style of High End photo editing.
Besides she tries some of the bijouterie in order to find how it looks better when it is worn.
Kathryn McAllister Coursolle considers natural light to be perfect. It is free of yellowish tint of the bulb. She recommends taking photos under the diffuse lighting. To her mind, direct sunlight is too harsh, while thick curtains still give you some light. Camera shouldn’t be the top brand or too expensive. All you need is to explore the settings on it. In this way you must know the macro button which is needed for shooting jewellery close-ups.
The way you should do jewelry photo editing
Jewellery editing is a kind of commercial photo retouching that digital photo editing services can provide you with. This kind of retoushing refers to various programs such as Photoshop in order to make the appearance of the pictures ready to the eyes of customers. It evolves online modifications to create appealing images of the pieces of jewelry they are supposed to buy. It is as much important as Playboy Style Retouching - High End beauty retouching.
To make images breathtaking you should start with retoushing some jewelry imperfections. They may be various: spots, blemishes or even scratches. The next step is improving color, brightness, sharpness, tones etc. Only then background should be worked at. Here you should choose the tone of the background witch suits you most of all.
To edit the photos of numerous pieces of jewelry (such as rings, bracelets, necklaces etc) to make them still more appealing to the clients it is advisable to use jewelry retouching services or time-proven companies with highly qualified specialists, for example ours. High end retouching company is a sure fire way for you. You may, of course, ask why we. The answer is “Because we know what we’re doing. In addition we are fond of our work”. We are specialized in commercial photo retouching, glamour photo editing, hdr photo editing, skin retouching online, magazine retouching. We use only the latest techniques to impress you with the results of our work. It is for sure will be fantastic. We provide the client with high end retouching before after images which you can find in portfolio on our web site. To crown it all, our photo retouching prices will definitely surprise you.
Our company offers reliable professional portrait retouching services and fashion retouching services. If you are searching for specialized pieces of advice you may find additional information in our retouching blog. Remember that we work to make you glad!
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