New ideas in fashion style photography

Fashion style photography as a genre of photography appeared in the beginning of the last century. During this time, it managed to win a solid share of the market of professional photography. In the 20-ies of the fashion photos began to displace the graphic in the print media of the time. Around the same time the idea of fashion magazine appeared, and since they go hand in hand like a couple that cannot be separated.
Brand photography style today is a survey of the collections of clothing and accessories from fashion houses, shooting fashion shows, events style, glamour and much more.
Requirements for a fashion brand photography has changed, the emphasis has shifted, and today the image created by fashion photographer, often has much greater importance than such specific details, as clothes, makeup, hair.
Top fashion photographer
Fashion brand photography – is one of the most creative, popular and interesting trends in photography. But it is also very competitive. To achieve success, you need to breathe, sleep and live with photography. You need to concentrate on self-improvement.
Georges Dambier
We have made for you list of best fashion photographer and their fashion photography ideas, so let’s read.
1. Georges Dambier
Rejecting the standard emotionless shooting technique, French photographer Georges Dambier the filming of their models is ambiguous. He was able to photograph the most beautiful women of his time: Brigitte Bardot, Marie-hélène Arnaud, Dorian Lee and Susie Parker to visit such exotic places like Marrakech, Corsica, Sicily, Cannes, Palma de Mallorca.
2. Fred Goudon
French photographer Fred Goudon, which works in fashion style photography, approaches his work creatively. The characters in his calendar for 2017-the year began... farmers. "It is a tribute to a profession whose members often do not receive appropriate gratitude," — says the photographer. We have also some tips for you in Best mens fashion photography poses are your key to success
3. Jayesh Pankhania
Fasion and beaty photographer Jayesh Pankhania is known for his unusual projects. He pays great attention to detail, literally showing the characteristics of fashion photography in detail.
This is not surprising if we take into account the fact that in childhood Jayesh dreamed of becoming an Illustrator.
Always being a very creative person with lots of fashion photography ideas, Jayesh very soon started taking pictures and realized that photography is the best means to create memorable and meaningful images.
Following the voice of his imagination, he creates colorful works that are actively interested in cosmetic brands and large companies. Pictures of Jayesh publish many publications. Her skin retouching online and retouching of details are really masterpiece.
One of the brightest advertising projects — is shoot for the American brand of lipstick Run.
Damn beauty of a female face, like the varied tints of lipstick, is presented here in detail.
Other no less striking macro-cycle Jaesa called "Nail Constellation".
Here, using talented make-up artists, the author tries shows a real "space makeover".
4. Andrea Belluso
Andrea Belluso, Italian photographer, famous in the field of fashion, began his career in London, and is now known worldwide. Now he opened his own Studio in Stockholm. His fame started with the project for the Italian brand Condé Nast.
After the first successful project, he began to travel a lot, lived in Paris, Milan and other European cities. As he says, all of this is due to the fact that in the Studio and in the open air it feels like home.
Carrying out orders of the largest international companies, he has traveled almost the whole world. In addition, Andrea plays the role of Director, producer and video editors, on account of his a large number of TV shows that were in different countries.
Andrea has been a professional Profoto and I am convinced that Profoto provides the best depth and contrast, allowing each time to obtain excellent results.
5. Phil Poynter
Never miss the point. That is, don't miss Phil Poynter, who is filming for Prada, Louis Vuitton, Alexander McQueen and Lacoste. Phil is haute couture, this high visual culture. In his creative work mixed the two-time — world-changing trends and trenches, and the world eternal perfect composition containing the light.
Pointer for five years he worked as creative Director of Dazed&Confused magazine. His work is the antithesis. This slender blonde with the diamonds on his fingers holding a juicy Burger, this brunette in a white dress with a sweetheart neckline, standing among the goats in the village, as on the catwalk.
Pointer’s work is freedom; it is a boy lying in a jacket Lacoste on the haystack. The work pointer is a challenge. The challenge of geometric lines, vibrant looks and long legs.
Photography vocabulary Phil is ironical, contradictory, but always walking on huge heels and resolutely looks into the camera. Fashion is synonymous with time; it is through fashion we feel the change of seasons, change of decades and centuries.
Pointer captures on camera the trend of "first freshness", which is still standing proudly, young and wise, not knowing that they are working on trendsetters. Phil has a series called bass in your face.
During filming, models were sent a strong jet of air, so their faces were deformed, resembling mashed dolls. This method is interesting not only for visual effect, but also a message: the fashion world is constantly undergoing changes, it is sometimes cruel and it is unclear whether the person to return your face back.
Dents from the air on the faces of the young girls resemble wrinkles, talking about the fluidity of time and that soon it's time to buy a new anti age cream and a new coat for spring, and needing of buying the album of Phil Pointer.
6. Iain Crawford
Iain Crawford is a talented London photographer. His work is very colorful, vibrant and quite memorable. We will show you some of them.
His best fashion photography ideas are using bright makeup, rich colors and loose powder to obtain the required glamorous and stylish effect. He makes a really perfect high end portrait retouching. Models like wearing exquisite designer dresses, although it really is only paint.
Ian Crawford was born and raised in Malaysia, he worked in new York, currently lives and shoots in the UK. He has long and successful cooperation with glossy magazines and advertising agencies. Let's name some brands, which he was lucky to work: the magazines Elle, Vogue and Harper's Bazaar, cosmetic brands L'oreal, Max Factor, Lancome, and many others.
His career Ian has started in Malaysia and then Africa, and then he moved to London. Travel had a significant influence on his love for vivid colors and beauty in motion. The work of photographer has a unique focus, which fully conveys the beauty, courage and purposeful chaotic moments. In our projects, this talented artist creates a real carnival of colors. Ian skillfully combines feminine beauty with bright flashes of color. His photographs, usually based on a simple principle: it carefully records the model and brightens her entire color spectrum and by all means available — powder, liquid painted, simply paint and other things. He knows that such a picture, he knows his stuff and creates an image so vivid as possible. His ideas are original and never repeated! Anyway, the pictures Iain Crawford's work is amazing, and Photoshop nothing to do with it. See for yourself by looking at his work.
7. Deborah Lou Turbeville
Deborah Turbeville, who took up the camera in the ' 70s, altered the principle of fashion photography, violating its rules: it turned out that the pictures in glossy magazines can be without bright colors and proper light - dark, faded, melancholic, sensual, ghostly, disturbing. The model in the photos, the Turbeville barely visible, they are part of a strange, frozen time, the decorations: ancient mansions, magnificent theaters, pathetic apartment, wild forests or manicured gardens. To turn your pictures in photos ghosts, Deborah scratched, torn negatives, sprinkled them with dust, parasocial. Black-and-white, Sepia, and faded colors - in this she was a master, brought the footage to the magnetic perfection is restless, but still not repulsive or frightening.
The Turbeville was born in Massachusetts in 30 years and initially worked in new York, the designer Claire Mccardell editor and stylist for magazines. He became famous in the early 70's a series of photos of models in the building of former baths. Removed face, dreamy poses, outstanding internal tension - for today's glossy photography techniques Turbeville become the standard. She was shooting for Vogue and other glossy, worked with fashion houses - seeing her sweet pictures one day for Valentino, it is impossible to forget. Traveling, Deborah looked at the city through his particular prism - Saint Petersburg, Budapest, Paris, Mexico city.
The Turbeville died October 24 at the age of 81 from lung cancer in new York. Her agent mark Milevich, who has worked with the photographer for 36 years, said: "She never compromises. Believe in what he's doing, and followed his creative urge". She photographer about your images once said: "I don't consider these photographs fashion photographs. They were removed for the sake of fashion, but at the same time they have an ulterior motive which is relevant to the world in General."
The secretes of brand photography style!
In the industry of fashion style photography there is a very popular shot on the street. But it's not as easy as it seems. If you want to make a photo session on the street you need to know a few secrets, here we have prepared a few the most important.
Even the most expensive camera will not give you a gorgeous picture in automatic mode! It's a fact! So don't think about buying an expensive camera for good pictures... Better find courses for beginners’ photographers in your town, where you will detail how to remove by selecting three parameters of photography: aperture, shutter speed and ISO. On Your camera this mode is marked with the letter "M"! Still, some cheap point-and-shoots in this mode, so, after all, of course, at some point you will become "crowded" with your inexpensive camera. But if you are on a budget, start investment with courses, not with an expensive camera.
In warm time of the year when the sky is clear without clouds and the sun shines, I take in the morning or 8 in the morning until 11 in the evening from 17 to 19... It was at this time the sun is shining softly and there is no contrasting shadows, no dropped white/black sections. Photography has a relatively balanced light. My average settings are: aperture is always f 2.8, ISO 200-400, shutter — 160-640. On a cloudy day, the shooting time does not matter, because the light is diffused and soft at any time of the day. To remove in summer when the sun is at the Zenith, I do not recommend. It is difficult and requires special skills. It is necessary to go into the shadows and to choose a location which will be good content of the frame. There is a narrow path, sandwiched between the dense lines of photogenic bushes and car Park on the other side. On top of many of the same photogenic leaves of the plane trees and ate (again on clearance).
But first, try to photograph either in the morning or in the evening! In winter, this rule is not true! Even in the middle of the day the sun is low on the horizon and, accordingly, the light is more soft and diffused.
How many times have I heard the indignant words of the pedestrians/onlookers: "what are you doing? You can't shoot against the light! Stop this mess immediately!!!" But that's exactly what I do! Become back to the sun and the photographer facing him. And let my behind be small overexposed white areas of the frame, but the glow of the hair on the lumen or translucent tissue will give it an inner glow effect and romanticism!
One of the main principles of the fashion brand photography — the model is the basis of the frame, the background is just a canvas! For the effect of blurred background you can use two ways (I use both at the same time to enhance the effect): first, choose a location, which you can get at least at a distance of 5-10 meters and further from the plane of the background (the building)! The second way that you choose on your camera it is the maximum aperture setting, i.e. the minimum aperture (f/2.8 or f/3.2), which is determined by the characteristics of your lens. By the way, the lens is exactly what you should spend most of your photographic budget! My beautiful Canon EF 135 mm f/2.0 L. thanks to him, my photos went up on a more professional level about a year ago...
Another one of my favorite trick lately is to find a clean textured wall with plaster a La "coat", which is located so that the rays of morning or evening sun lay at an angle of 10-20 degrees to it! Again, the model is getting back to the sun, barely touching the wall, photographer facing the sun at a distance of 1-2 meters from the wall. It's not all my tricks! But you first and that's enough! So, experiment and don't be afraid of mistakes! In every photo shoot I have 400-1000 photos! 6-12 and only worthy of attention!
Outdoor fashion photography poses
To make a perfect photo on the street, it is not enough just to stand and smile. In addition to the perfect outfit, magnificent architectural composition behind and ready to do anything for you friend of the photographer, it's important to remember a few rules of posing-called experts body language.
Despite the fact that the outdoor fashion photography poses depend on the choice of location shooting, the targets are wearing a garment and a given mood may vary, the rules of posing remain the same:
1. If you are shot in full growth, avoid stooping (if you feel insecure with a perfectly straight back, use the following technique: one foot move back, so she was a pillar of the spine).
2. Do not turn the shoulders and the tops of them on camera at the same time – it will add extra pounds.
3. Avoid uncomfortable postures.
4. Don't hold your breath. Some people are so concerned with the process of shooting that before the adoption of a certain posture forget to breathe. This leads to a frozen and unnatural and negates any perfectly built frame. To avoid this common error, just stay calm and relaxed.
5. If you hold your hand to my face, don't squeeze fingers into a fist. Leave the fingers slightly relaxed (otherwise the picture would give the impression that they do not exist).
6. If you put your hand behind your head (wear your hair), try to keep the elbows were divorced, but in any case not directed at the lens.
7. Follow the example of professional models, whose poses, there is an element of asymmetry (for example, if one arm is straight, the other should be bent). It creates a feeling of relaxation and naturalness.
Naturalness is the key to a successful photo shoot. However, contrary to popular belief that natural is incompatible with the posing, it was carefully calibrated poses, make professional models so attractive, even if we are not talking about a magazine photo shoot, but the most common shooting backstage. It has long been found out the ubiquitous fashion bloggers that borrowed models style posing and adapt the most attractive poses for a photo session on the street for all those who are street style.
Beautiful outdoor fashion photography poses. Techniques posing:
1. The attitude of "Victor" – shows that you like to be the center of attention. Technique: one leg bent at the knee and lifted, hands lifted up, or separated the sides, chest lifted and tilted forward, with the chin slightly lifted.
2. The attitude of "supermodels" – allows you to look thinner. Technique: 1) the body weight is shifted to one hip, which stands a little to the side, one hand on the hip; 2) same pose half-turned (turn hips 45 degrees away from the camera, and the breast toward the camera, one hand may be on hip).
3. Pose "criss-cross" – allow you to look innocent and bold at the same time. The technique is the same as in "a pose of a supermodel", but with legs crossed (one leg forward and bent at the knee, keeping the other leg straight and serves to support the first, hands relaxed, one hand may be on hip).
4. Pose based on the object – allows you to look relaxed. Appliances: find the biting point (it can be any surface from doors to architectural columns). The legs can be crossed or one leg bent at the knee when straightened the other.
5. Pose "fashion show" – another pose, borrowed from the Arsenal of models, always hurrying from one show to another and in the end caught by the paparazzi. It helps to give the image dynamics. Technique: slightly lowered head, rounded back, upper body and balls of the feet directed away from the camera as if you were going to leave (tip: do not tilt the head too low, or give the impression that you consider your own shoes or hiding the face).
However, the choice of poses for a photo shoot on the street is not limited to the selection of the correct angle and direction of view. Location shooting is another important aspect that you need to consider before you make a long-awaited shot.
Another fashion poses you can find in our blog - Top model poses for high fashion photo editing
The place for posing on the street (typical errors and how to avoid them):
– When shooting at any open Sunny space don't forget about the position of the sun to be behind you (otherwise it will create in the face of unwanted shadows).
– When shooting at the object, try to make sure that he was your set, but don't upstage your image entirely (as is the case in the pictures where the subject is in the background of the attractions "at attention"). Based on my mood/the internal condition, consider a pose (do not forget that it must be in harmony with your clothes, accessories), by choosing from the Arsenal of the proposed positions or enter the experiments (do not forget that any new and unusual posture, it is desirable to rehearse in front of a mirror beforehand).
– When shooting at the hood of the car / on the seat of a motorcycle, the same rules: use the vehicle as a background, in any case not verifiable, but they serve only the fulcrum (the body must be relaxed, no active emotions, try to look like you sat on a random item).
– Shooting on the steps of the waterfront, shot on a Park bench like any other sitting posture that requires special skills and compliance with the rules:
1. If you are shot sitting, the legs should be at an angle to the camera (sitting sideways to the camera, you make the figure thinner).
2. Posing with one foot to the other junk, but if it can not be avoided, turn the knees away from the camera and put the toe shoes on the ground and not to the camera.
3. Don't forget about the straight posture (if you want to make a slight tilt forward, as the pivot point, select the hip, without breaking the posture).
Remember that proper posing is only part of the building in the frame of the image. How it will be organic, depends on experience in the process of shooting emotions and, of course, from their own belief in success!
Fashion trends in woman clothes 2017
If you want to shoot in the brand photography style, you need to be aware of all new fashion trends and follow the fashion changes. Here we have prepared for you Fashion trends 2017.
Trend No. 1 | lace, ruching, ruffles
There is nothing more feminine than a dress of lace, which is transparent, easy, and weightless. In 2017 in the fashion there are also dresses with semi transparent lace with lots of waves and ruffles. Fendi, Francesco Scognamiglio, Philosophy di Lorenzo Serafini is only a handful of brands who have used these trends in their collections.
Trend No. 2 | the fashion strip
The main fashion trend in 2017 is strip. It is present in almost all the collections of international designers. Examples of use of the band you can see in the collections from the fashion weeks in Milan 2016-2017. An element such as a strip is used for all items of clothing such as pants, dresses, blouses, suits, bags, shoes ... All lined in multicolored stripes, full of vibrant colors and attract attention.
Trend No. 3 | geometry style
Also popular this year as waves and stripes are geometric elements and prints in clothing.
Trend No. 4 | glittering gold, silver and bronze
Also popular this year is the use of metallic fabrics. These fabrics used in the tailoring of the dresses, jackets, blouses, tops, and other clothing items. It is easy to imagine the magnificence of this outfit under the sunlight. If you don't like to be the center of attention you can use clothes with gold embroidery, it will look no less elegant and bright.
Trend No. 5 | elegant classic costume
This trend is relevant for lovers of business style in clothes or the eternal inhabitants of offices with strict dress code. This year's women's pantsuits are at the peak of its popularity. If you don't know what costume to choose then you can choose a classic tailored suit and a suit with wide trousers or with a plunging neckline and embroidery.
Trend No. 6 | like animals
Leopard print is back in fashion. It is unlikely you will be in the summer wearing a stylish leopard print coat, but for the most daring fashion lovers this year will be a bold leopard print dress. These dresses are bright and look impressive on slender figure, so if you have the opportunity, then go for the purchase leopard print dresses.
Trend No. 7 | fashion leather popular for more than one season.
As classic suits and leather remains in fashion in many years. In the collections of the most famous brands are represented all kinds of leather products. Leather can be not only jackets, but also skirts, dresses, overalls, shorts. The main thing is to combine these things, and then your appearance is just the top of fashion.
Trend No. 8 | cage
What about outerwear in 2017, cage in longer coats have the preference. In General, this year coat as a way popular so it will be a lot of different styles, but the main focus is the cell of different sizes in the colors of the product.
Trend No. 9 | trending fur
In the winter collection is dominated by a combination of fur and transparent fabrics. Such blows will make your dress exquisite and fashionable at the same time.
Trend No. 10 | luxury embroidery
In decorating women's clothing is dominated by hand embroidery. It looks elegant, expensive and elegant. The most famous stylists are decorated with embroidery all elements of their collection from dresses to shoes and bags. Ornaments of different styles and nationalities adorn the clothes of celebrities, such patterns can be embroidered in different thread using gold and silver. So if you know how to embroider, then get out your old jeans and make them trendy masterpiece.
After reading this article you will be a really exert in this field, but you have seen how perfect retouching have these works. So if you want to shoot in fashion style, you must retouch also in fashion style. It means glamour, high end , beauty retouching. These techniques are difficult, and if you don’t have good knowledge, you will have photos which will look cheap. In this case we offer you our photo retouching service, our retouchers are really professionals. You can see high end retouching before after in our blog. Here you can also find our photo retouching prices.
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