HDR as new trend in portrait photography

Portrait photo is definitely one of the most common and widely-used kinds of professional photography. Portraiture, as it can be also named, is a skill-requiring art of capturing a particular subject, either one person or group of people. In this truly challenging photo sphere the primary task is to photograph facial expressions and features in the most alluring way. Person`s beauty is certainly predominant. This exceptional characteristic enables portrait genre of modern photo art to be so distinguishable. Not only experienced photo makers, who have won world-wide recognition, but also laymen will definitely recognize this photo type among other kinds of pictures. But still not only determine focus on people`s faces helps portraiture to stand out from the wide range of famous kinds of images.
Professional portrait retouching services are noticeable due to the diverse using of great picture enhancing techniques. Here it is possible to mention not only common appearance improving options, but also various modern effects that can be applied to already retouched portraits. Such options do not remove possible facial drawbacks and imperfects. Their aim is to change photo colors and tones. With applying these options, professional picture manipulators endeavor to present a special photo idea and story. We are not going to enumerate all recently appeared image improving effects, as their range is really tremendous. This article is devoted to HDR portrait photography only.
This option has only started to win popularity among contemporary image editors. The sphere of its applying is limited mostly by fashion and magazine retouching. But still modern photo editing trends change almost every day. Thus, HDR editing will soon become a common picture retouching effect.
HDR portrait photography is a new trend
As we have already claimed, HDR processing has become an integral and indispensable part of professional portraiture. This technique does not contribute to the appearance enhancing process. It is not definitely connected with skin retouching online, teeth fixing adding make-up and so on. That is a separate option, which may be used only after all facial imperfects have been already removed from the retouched photography. After such post-production, all person`s drawbacks, if there are any of course, become quite visible. Thus, editors must be sure that everything, we mean all photo mistakes and captured drawbacks, has been successfully deleted from the edited image. Diverse modern editing techniques have made the process of photo improving quite an easy task. Thus, HDR photo editing as well as other sophisticated effects is used more and more, especially in the professional portrait retouching. There perfectly edited photographed model becomes that perfect basement for applying multifarious HDR photo effects.
Nowadays a lot of editors still tend to think that HDR effect Photoshop is suitable only in landscape retouching. They are quite sure that this effect is more powerful in revealing the genuine beauty of nature, as unusually bright and deep colours are able to underline every alluring detail. For instance, there is a bright example of such photography done by Tom Fear.
Maybe 10 years ago this thought was true. But due to the rapid development of varied digital photo editing services and other types of editing options, that is not more than a perpetuated stereotype. Modern photo manipulators that are known for their working enthusiasm and creativity tend to use impressive HDR photo effects in almost all kinds of possible image editing services. It has become an inevitable part of sophisticated commercial photo retouching.
Unusual looks of edited HDR pictures make international advertising companies and brands with world-famous names to be interested in this particular kind of enhancing effects. Thus, it is a common story to see superb HDR images as magazine covers or printed pictures on the billboards. A lot of photographers, whose work is to create appealing and unusual pictures for thriving advertising purposes, ask for this kind of photo outsourcing. If you want to find more information on this topic, we advise you to read List of the Best Advertising and Commercial Photographers.
Creative HDR photo effects ideas
Professionally done HDR effect Photoshop can take your pictures to the next, we mean more successful and sophisticated, level. Today almost every professional photo maker is eager to have HDR edited pictures as the part of his/her portfolio. Without exuberating, such pictures are real trend. The wave of their popularity is definitely tremendous. And below we will present you a list of most impressive and successful photos of this recently appeared editing genre. After seeing them you will make sure in world-wide recognition of HDR portrait photography.
Firstly, we will talk about urban HDR photography. This style of pictures is believed to be rather widely used. Have no idea why it is so? Than look on the brightest HDR urban picture examples and everything will become clear!
Urban photos can be divided into two big groups, the category of photographed people on the special city background and the category of captured locations. HDR portraiture is brilliantly represented by prosperous photographer Jow Mages. Below you may enjoy one of his photo works.
These are bright examples of HDR photos of cities made by famous HDR photographer from Portland. His name is Brian Matiash and he is the real star in this genre. His works have a definite magic that stops people`s looks and make them think about the hidden beauty of the most unattractive places.
Furthermore, HDR processing has become an indispensable part of modern wedding portraits. Below you may see the brilliant picture of masked bride done by famous HDR photographer Nurtan Rioven. His ability to underline a moment of absolute joy is really great and is worth thousands of true compliments.
HDR photo editing really opens new horizons for wedding photography retouching. With this extraordinary effect even the simplest image will be turned into unbelievable masterpiece. See more examples of HDR wedding pictures and make sure in this fact.
But still HDR retouching holds leadership in fashion photo industry. This effect enables commercial editors to make pictures for further publishing really eye-catching and at the same time unforgettable. The fashion industry is rich in diverse talented photographers and photo manipulators as well, that is why there is a desperate need to use something fresh and unique. And HDR portrait photography is an outstanding example.
Thus, most of contemporary fashion retouching services cannot be imagined without applying HDR processing. Below you may enjoy some of super HDR fashion fusion works by David Stoddart.
Fashion HDR photography has a magnetic power to show off every important detail of photographed story. While seeing such images people feel that such pictures are more than just photographed moments.
People look as if they are ready to come out from the photo right now.
In the competitive sphere of fashion editing, HDR effects are considered to be as popular as impressive High End retouching. But still both of picture improving types help to achieve certainly different photo outcomes.
That is why both of them are in great demand. If you are interested in modern High End options that are in frequent using by prosperous magazines, you must assess high end retouching before after done by our photo manipulators and read these articles Playboy Style Retouching - High End beauty retouching, Esquire magazine - extraordinary style of High End photo editing or Which Christmas Photo Editing Effects Use The Best Christmas Magazine Covers. As you can understand, the range of published articles in our blog is quite diverse.
How to do HDR processing
After enjoying such superb photo examples, you may have a wish, in case you are a picture editor, to try applying this modern effect to your works. But one question rises. How to HDR in Photoshop to achieve the same alluring outcomes?
Creating really compelling HDR pictures can be rather tricky, because editing photographed models in HDR images is quite challenging. First of all, for the sake of getting outstanding portraits, you must get rid of visible grey skin tones. Otherwise, the person on the photo will look like lifeless zombies. That is believed to be the most common problem for HDR processing.
Then you must be confident that not a single subject is moving in the picture you want to edit. Blurring due to unexpected hand movements, for example, can spoil the whole photo look. One more important issue is not to make edited photos too flat, as such images, especially HDR portraiture, look quite lifeless and even fake. Here you should remember that the main purpose of using HDR effects in magazine, portrait or glamour photo editing is to underline all shades and colors perceived by human eyes.
To avoid all described photo editing mistakes, it is better not to learn how to HDR in Photoshop on your own. It is more profitable to ask for help by a professional retouching company like our firm. Our editing specialists will produce high-quality HDR images that do not look strange and artificial at quite reasonable rates. Our prices for all services are quite pocket-friendly starting from simple private photo rates to photo restoration prices.
In case you are a talented photographer or skillful editor, we also have something interesting for you. For more information see our articles Partnership proposition for ambitious professional photographers and Need to find well-paid job in photo retouching agency? Maybe in several years you will become a successful photo maker or retoucher and your personality will be described in articles like that The Most Expensive & Luxury High End Photographs.
For those, who are not eager to connect life with editing work, we may offer you to read fascinating articles about common photo art topics, such as Controversial Advertising Campaigns - They Know How to Surprise, New Photo Project - Intimate Double Portraits Of Celebrities and Glamour Car Photo Editing – Over-Indulgence or Photography Necessity.
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