Need to find well-paid job in photo retouching agency?

Photo editing companies are special organizations that collect various picture manipulators, who are skillful in different spheres of image enhancement. That ensures such retouching firms to achieve the best results and to become competitive in this business. So, various editing companies want to collect as wide range of professional specialists as possible in order to provide all modern image enhancing services including advanced commercial, laborious portrait and fine arts pictures. It is quite an obvious thing that retouching agency is very popular and absolutely essential notion in modern photo art industry. Such recognition defines the demand of highly-professional image editors that will be able to cope with an impressive amount of retouching tasks.
What is retouching agency?
Obviously, not every country can boast about having a well-developed editing business. But still such countries in Europe, America and Asia hold undeniable leadership in this sphere. For that reason, most image editors have a desire to find jobs exactly in these countries. And the question concerning potential salaries, that are possible to get these, takes not the last place. Thus, photo manipulators in previously mentioned countries get bigger sums of money for their services. For instance, an average image editor in USA earns from 30,000 to 65,000 per one working year. Salaries for the same services in Europe are a little bit lower, but still they remain to be quite impressive. That shows that collaborating with every professional retouching studio is a quite beneficial choice of work. That is more convenient than being a freelance editor. And in this article you will find all convincing advantages.
Online photo editing service review by our company
As we have already mentioned, nowadays it is not a problem to find a retouching agency that specializes in progress creative retouching. The range of them is totally impressive. However, it can be quite problematic to choose only one editing firm that will be suitable exactly for you. For that reason, we have created a special online photo editing service review in which we are going to describe the most popular picture enhancing companies that are definitely worth your trusties.
The most powerful indicator of assessing the professionalism of every retouching studio is the number of its permanent customers. The more clients tend to ask for company`s services, the more chances that this firm is really great. Although this rule seems to be quite simple, it works without any exceptions. Thus, the most popular modern editing agencies are:
1) Solstice retouch
It is believed to be very prosperous retouching agency based in United States in 2007 by Pratic Naik. This firm tends to collaborate with editors all over the world. This editing team specializes in praiseworthy High End retouching and magazine retouching. Automotive, jewelry, food, architecture, product editing is also widely-used. The firm is known for its passion to devote time for educating new photo manipulators.
Solstice retouch has a very profound tutorial for would-be editors and this opportunity allure numerous people to co-work with them. In addition to this, this retouching studio offers very reasonable editing prices. For instance, rate for editing varies from 300$ to 1000$.
2) FD photo studio
That is a great example of American retouching agency. FD studio offers impressive High End editing, headshot improving and professional portrait retouching services. This skillful team mainly collaborates with pro customers that are Ad-agencies, fashion magazines and press-houses. The most prominent feature of this firm is that it offers an unusual combination of proving high-quality retouching and ability to rent a professional photo studio. One more advantage that helps them to remain prosperous is quite affordable rates. Their prices start from 15$.
3) High End beauty retouching
The forth place is also occupied by American editing company. This really talented retouching agency has collected an outstanding team of photo manipulators, who are masters in glamour photo editing, complete skin retouching online and superb hdr photo editing. But still that is not the only thing that has contributed to the development of their editing business. This company takes efforts in developing their retouching blog in which they publish various articles devoted to modern topics in the sphere photo art. Moreover, they provide really low editing prices, starting from 10$. However, rates for ultra-magazine retouching start from 100$.
4) Digital Photoshop Retouching
And the last retouching agency that will be mentioned in our list is Digital Photoshop retouching. These editors mainly work with digital photo editing services, High End, fashion and portrait retouching. This agency claims that editing should be invisible and truly professional. That is the highest level of professionalism. One more obvious thing that helps them to remain prosperous is that they offer not only professional editing services, but also great editing tutorials.
Stunning photo editors who use creative retouching
In the industry of professional photo retouching not only editing companies have achieved impressive success. And in this online photo editing service review we will present you the most popular editors` descriptions. All their names have become iconic for modern editing industry. Hope, you will enjoy reading our list.
1) Daniel Meadows
The first is Daniel Meadows as this High End editor from Great Britain has won world-wide recognition due to the extreme quality of his improved photos. He provides commercial level editing that is suitable for print. That enables him to work with various fashion magazines, consumer goods, cosmetic brands and press-houses. Since 2009 he has managed to turn his hobby-like activity into really prosperous business.
2) Gina Hernandez
This professional photo manipulator specialises in commercial photo retouching. Beauty, complete fashion, professional portrait editing services, advertising and celebrity retouch can be named as subjects of her proudness. She is available to work worldwide and this fact has contributed to her great popularity. Her responsibility in photo editing is helping to realize the photographer's vision. She achieves this by focusing on every little detail within each picture after it is presented to her. Below you can see one of her edited pictures and ensure in her professionalism.
3) Cristian Girotto
That is the most popular editor in France. This picture improving specialist is real master in complete beauty editing, creative retouching, and digital photo editing services for mainly commercial using. Among the wide range of his customers we may name famous cosmetics brands and international fashion magazines. He managed to turn his work into prosperous project. The most prominent feature is his ability to have no limits in size and quantity in customers` raw photos. Moreover, his main task is to cultivate a totally new generation of talented image editors, who can retouch pictures of all modern formats. It is a great specialist to trust photos for editing as rates there are truly low. For example, retouching prices for digital manipulations start from 20$ and for High End improving from 15$. Below you can see the main page of his website.
4) Evgeny Semeykin
This famous photo editor is a real master in creative retouching, High End and magazine editing. Since 2013 he has worked as image retoucher and for such a short time he has managed to gain world-wide popularity. Now he is a famous London-based photo manipulator, who enjoys collaborating with numerous fashion magazines and ad-companies. His high end retouching before after is considered to be not less than just outstanding.
And below you see one of his improved works and assess the quality of his services.
Why you should choose our retouching agency?
In this article we have presented you online photo editing service review. Hope that you have enlarged your knowledge in the most famous retouching agencies and freelance editors. Our picture improving company also is believed to be quite popular in this sphere. We have collected an impressive number of devoted photo editors all over the world. But still that is not our limit as due to the constant flow of demanding customers, we are in dire need of new talented hands. So, we are eager to invite potential photo manipulators to join our team that specializes in various genres of picture enhancing. For instance, you may try yourself in High End, portrait, glamour, magazine, nude or black and white editing. Believe us, that the number of services that you can work in is so big, that definitely you will find something appealing.
Our company will be a brilliant choice for many talented retouchers. For example, we may add you to the list of the best editors, if you join us. More detailed information you may find in our article Partnership proposition for ambitious professional photographers. And if you want to find something new about photographers and editors that have achieved great success in the sphere of High End photo retouching, you may read these articles The Most Expensive & Luxury High End Photographs, and List of the Best Advertising and Commercial Photographers.
In addition to the impressive variety of offered services, we also have taken pains in creating our unique retouching blog. All articles there are organized into four different categories, which are devoted to advertising, beauty&fashion, editing techniques and retouchers. For most our readers articles connected with various advertising campaigns are the most interesting. Thus, we definitely advise you at least to look through there pieces of information, which are Controversial Advertising Campaigns - They Know How to Surprise, and List of the Best Advertising and Commercial Photographers. Certainly at least one of them will catch your attention. And the last article, which is definitely worth your attention, is Glamour Car Photo Editing – Over-Indulgence or Photography Necessity. Here you will find fresh information about modern retouching options in this specific topic.
All in all, you should decide whether to choose our firm or not. But before making your definite choice, remember the list of all our advantages. We provide numerous services and that means that the working field is really huge. Our editing prices are reasonably low and that causes the big flow of new and new clients. For example, rates for High End editing starts from only 10$ per picture, photo retouching prices are also very low. They are 25$ for one new photo. Friendly working atmosphere makes the lives of our editors quite simple. Is it convincing enough for you? If yes, we are waiting for you.
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