Importance of Logo in photography - Photography logo ideas

As there is no good photography without raisins, so no signature style without logo. The creating a logo have the same laws as in the photos. You need to know the rules of composition, able to work with flowers and to feel the birth of a masterpiece.
What elements are needed to create the logo of the photographer? Of course, this is all associated with photography: cameras, lenses, film, and footage. It is possible to use themed items or characters, models, buildings, nature.
The colors of the logo of the photographer need to attract attention, to speak of a creative nature, the artistic taste of the photographer. Therefore it is better to pick bright, rich shades – red, blue, green, orange. At the same time, if you are going to use in the signature style images of objects of high technology, for example, cameras are allowed and dark gray. Do you want more how to create the unique photography logos? So, read this article and then you will know everything about photography branding design.
How to create High End logo photography
The most beautiful moments, the most beautiful landscapes and the most imposing building of all photographers hold in your images. Each image is a small work of art. Who is in the field of photography is very creative. Often working with various graphic programs and has, perhaps, the necessary basics. Here you can think of to make your own Logo Design. But attention, who has the right photography branding ideas, needs a professional logo design the appropriate Software. With Photoshop you don't come here. A Logo should be better with a program such as Adobe Illustartor. In any case, a vector graphic, in the data format of EPS or AI. In addition, there are many criteria which must be adhered to for a successful Logo Design. Often it is better to hire a professional graphic designer with the implementation of the Logo Designs.
Who have no idea; you can see our collection of photography logo ideas for inspiration. Whether it's wedding photography, newborn photography, wildlife photography, nature photography, or event photography for each division.
The icons you can use as a brand image in the Logo, you have many options. Each of the areas mentioned here already give a lot. Of course, you can combine the whole thing with the typical symbols such as a camera or a aperture. Just for photographers but also often Logos with initials.
1. Logos Design with photo camera
2. Logos with visor
3. Playful Logo Designs
4. Logos with initials
10 ultimate tips: Photography branding design - Create your own logotype
Custom branding for photographers – this is important for a project than you think. Who is not familiar with the Golden arches of McDonald's, the three stripes of Adidas? Also that MAGIX Oval since the age of 16 years for our products, before we have created our new company logo.
Not just for industry giants, even for small businesses, Bands, or individual events, a Logo, makes a major contribution to the communication. This is because a Logo adorns all means of communication of a company, such as business cards, letterhead and the Website. It is a Central part of the company and the First thing the customer connects with the company.
A Logo can build loyalty between company / project and the customer, a brand identity and professionalism.
Which Logo is the right one and what to look for, if you want to create a Logo – we have compiled the following 10 tips for you.
Which Logo is right for me?
The most famous in the world there are three top design logos. The basic and primarily for use in the printing are the logos based on fonts. Such logos use companies which are well known in the world: Sony and IBM. The following types of logos are the logos which show us the activities of the company. For example famous photographer uses the camera symbol in his logo. Well and the third type are the abstract logos, such logos include the Nike.
Here in word and image brand. The word "Nike" is a word mark, the typical hooks ("Swoosh"), the related image mark. Every company needs a word mark, a logo of the product or company name. This is supported by a brand image, which should then be returned to the customer at some point without a word mark is detected.
Such as, let's call it a Symbol, is first of all meaningless and needs to be charged, therefore, by appropriate communication with significance. The costs, however, time and money. Start-Ups and growing companies do not have this Budget, of course. Therefore, more representational Logos are suitable for such projects, so a potential customer can recognize on the basis of the company's logo design, what makes the business or project.
10 tips on what to look for, if you want to make unique photography logos:
Before the tips, something that is fundamental. Before you start Sketching, it is important about the message that might convey the Logo to be in the Clear. Best you noted, what will Express the Logo (Logo must be long-term).
Here are a few tips that will help you to design a Logo:
1. The Name makes the beginning:
You can start with the Design of a logo, if the Name of the company is prepared. Still on the search, it makes to make sense about what is supposed to embody the product or the company. So you should, be room for extensions or more orientations. With the name "tables & chairs" will of the operator, it is difficult to expand its business field to lamps, couches, or other furniture.
The Name has an effect on the Logo. If the company is "P. K jeweler" is, one would probably choose a more elegant serif Font to create a Logo. For a company, that is to say, for example, "lightning printing", would contain the Logo, rather graphics, for example – who would have thought it – a flash of lightning.
2. Overview of company logos provide:
"Good artists copy, great artists steal" We take Pablo Picasso rather too seriously, because quite to the extent you do not should go at the Logo create. Nonetheless, research suggestions; you can use some of it for themselves.
The competitors tend to use very massive and clear forms, conservative graphics, or stylish illustrations and font types? The best time to think about it, and planning how the project can be distinguished by the logo design from the competition.
3. Focus the core message of the logo:
The decision, what exactly will be on the project, communicates, stands in the foreground. The core message has a kind of "personality"? She is more serious, or something cheerful? What makes you unique in relation to competitors? Especially, it is useful to focus on the target audience! For which target group a Logo to be created? All of these questions are a core component of a good logo design.
4. Simple and functional:
The Logo must not lose themselves in small subtleties, but a variable must be used, because it must be able to work on a business card as well as on the Jersey of a football team. To be able to a good, own Logo design, it is advantageous to familiarize yourself with the use of a graphics program. Because a good Logo is in times of responsive design ideally easily scalable and reproducible.
It is also very important to remember that the Logo also works in black and white, because even today, faxes are sent. Here you are advised with the photo & graphic Designer. Through intuitive features logo design just. Try the trial version.
5. The main advantage of the company through their own unique photography logos to illustrate:
The best logos convey a direct sense intended, for example, lightning transfer speed, the camera convey the scope of activities and so on.
6. Do not use phototypesetting at custom branding for photographers:
As tempting as it may be, of phototypesetting, one should let the Finger. Not only that they look "cheap", they can also be copied very easily. The Logo would lose its uniqueness.
7. Not blindly following the trend:
If you want to redesign an old logo, you should avoid snapping any current trend and let it flow in. You may only confuse the previous customers if you are totally unfaithful to the old style. It is better to plan a logo, which can be ten to twenty years faithful - that would be the main criterion for a good photography branding design. If you want to adapt a logo to the zeitgeist, you do so in a subtle way and so that the original statement of the logo remains.
8. Pay attention to the color choice:
One thing that is often neglected is the effect of color choice on subsequent costs. To design a Logo in five colors look much nicer like than one with three colors, the five colors to each of the printing paid for. In addition, there are media that allow only one to two colors for printing. So you should try not necessarily to exceed the number of three colors. All the colors are really necessary, what effect is to be achieved by certain colors with the Design?
9. Create a graphic artist or design your own logo?
So a graphic designer can be quite expensive. Of course, with the support of a graphic designer is to be expected in a short time a professional result. With a professional graphics program but you can make your own with a little Practice, his own Logo without extra cost. The Logo you can get photography branding ideas, tips and suggestions of other great help. With the new Input as a task handled much better.
10. Logon usage and protection:
If you have invested a lot of work and money for a Logo, it's better to go sure that you can legally protect. A brand can be provided as a word, image, brand, or as a combination of both with the protection of rights. There are two ways: Either by entry at the Patent - and trademark office, or by trademark protection without registration. Since this is a very extensive and frequently changing the subject, we recommend a look at the Website of the Patent-And trademark Office.
As you can see, is to create the theme of "Own Logo" not so one-dimensional, as one might have previously thought. We hope that our article could bring a little light into the Dark, and the subject of at least marking. Of course, these tips does not replace a professionally created Logo, however, such effort is usually not necessary. Tests you in the Logos version of photo & graphics designer create with the free trial.
Trends in logos in 2017
With the growth of digital communication and computer technology grows and science of creating logos. More and more all the companies try to come personally and exclusively to its customers. To increase target audience use all innovative technologies.
The logo design also depends on the development of technologies. It changes as fast as technology is developing and changing digital communication.
Demand creates supply; so many people began to explore changes in trends in the popularity of logos. They create a model and assume a popular trend in the world of computer design.
Bill Gardner of Logo Lounge is the most famous expert in this field. He is very attentive to details and has flair to all the changes in the trends.
So what awaits us in the near future? Let's look at 6 key trends in the creation of logos, which promise to be as a key this year.
1. Flat
Flat design continues to dominate and not just because it looks clean and aesthetically pleasing, but also because Internet browsers express their love for their excellent SVG to render. Don't forget about the loading speed. Patterns, textures, shadows and gradients are again inferior to the position of minimalism. Well, the company will continue to simplify its current identity (who hasn't made one yet).
2. Handmade/handwriting
It is also in fashion remains handwritten logos. We can say that they convince us of the sincerity of their owner. They are a sign of love and effort with which it was created, looking at it you understand that the creation of such logo people put their hearts, you trust such a firm or person because he showed a part of himself.
By the way, I should add that now typography is not just font and arrangement you choose when creating a logo. This is an integral decorative element of the logo.
3. Active logo
Active logos are logos, which are constantly changing but still remain as cool and popular. Such logos always follow the new trends and use new technology.
Active logos subconsciously telling us about the direction the company chose this type of rhythm in her movements, the mood. It is not only continuous changes of shape, color, accent, this is a perfect way of communication. However it is worth noting the specifics of the organizations that have chosen this type.
Thus, if you create a logo for a flower shop sharing space with a grocery store, then this option will not be best for you.
4. Negative expanse
This style of logo design never ceases to amaze us. Usually you just see the logo with the company name or photographer, this style will make you think about the hidden meaning of the logo, once you see it you immediately understand what was going on. Therefore, more and more professionals work with this design and many experts look for hidden meaning and try to decipher the subtext in these logos. According to the Bill opinion such design will still be in trend for a long time.
5. Letter construction
Letter construction in modern design, perhaps, is one of the pioneers. Nevertheless, this trend does not lose its influence. He is an example of complex, creative solutions — the designers are challenged to present a long text in the shortest form, tiny space, imbue it with personality, in order to comply with all principles in the creation of a logo and to make it readable. For some organizations letter construction turned out to be a win option, so it remains relevant to this day.
6. Monoline
Monoline is the representative of a certain "purity" or "sterility." The principle of this type is to create something with an unchangeable line thickness, something akin to "wire." At first glance it may seem that, due to the complexity of the performance, this trend goes against the trend of simplification.
However, under a closer look, the monoline will open its property to represent the clarity, purity and sincerity of the creations created with it, making even some references to the manual method of drawing on paper, leather, wood burning and engraving.
Famous logos, the hidden meaning of which we did not guess
Would you like to know what the implication are of the most famous logos of our favorite companies? Almost every line, curve, or color painted has a hidden meaning.
At the first it is only interesting to know, but if you Need to find well-paid job in photo retouching agency you should know all secretes and different photography logo ideas.
We have chosen logos that will be recognized around the world. They have a meaning that we did not notice before.
1. Hyundai
What do you think about means of the logo Korean car company Hyundai? Popular opinion is that H in the title means only the initial letter of the company name, but everything is completely wrong. The "H" is a stylized image of a handshake between the company, Hyundai, and a car buyer.
2. Sony Vaio
Sony withdrew from the computer business and back - thus there will be no new Generation Vaios. Nevertheless, the Logo is worth a look: The Logo combines a playful manner, the analog world (for"V" and "A") with the digital value (the"io" stands for 1's and 0's).
3. Amazon
Almost everyone has already placed an order with Amazon - but not everyone has noticed the two hidden clues in the Logo of the Internet giant. The connection "from A to Z" by the arrow reminds the other to a Smiley-mouth.
4. Baskin Robbins
The Logo of the US-American ice cream parlor chain contains a hidden number. The number 31 stands for the number of ice cream flavors in the ice cream parlor available
5. Toyota
Toyota has developed one of the world's most respected company philosophies - clear that the Japanese also have a decent degree of self-understanding in their logo.
The two inner ovals of the Symbol are for the heart of the customer and the heart of the company. They overlap, according to the car manufacturer so a mutually beneficial connection. Together, they form also Toyota's first letter. Of the two smaller ovals enclosing circle of the world is supposed to symbolize the Toyota embrace.
All of these thoughts, you are not a day. Development Period: Five Years. Nice side effect: With a bit of imagination, all four letters of the Name Toyota in the Logo position.
6. Pinterest
Pinterest kann man nicht ohne «Pin», also Stecknadel, schreiben. Genau so eine versteckt sich im P des Logos!
7. LG
In the Logo of LG is a wink Smiley face and the letters L and G are quite obvious - if you turn the Smiley, however, to the right, and his "nose" a little bit of shifts, you end up with Pac-Man, as seen here.
8. Evernote
A company logo is Evernot elephant because this animal has the best memory. Also his ear bent because people are usually folded pages for notes.
9. Coca-Cola
A particularly well-hidden Hint in the Logo of Coca-Cola: At a closer Look, a stylized Danish flag is shown between the "o" and "l". But why Denmark? Quite simple: The Danes are the happiest people in the world - and in the case of Coca-Cola, it is precisely this sense of life.
6 web applications for creating logos
You read a lot of information about how to do logos and learned a lot of interesting photography branding ideas. Now I want to tell you about programs that will help you to try to create your logo.
No automatic logo generator can replace human creativity. But if you make a homepage for your cat, come up with logos of defunct companies and just want to get the hand in this lesson, the services of this collection will be a great help.
1. LogoEase
With Logoease, you must register only for free. In your account you can save up to 10 designs and this also by E-Mail to friends for discussion. For your Logo Design there are illustrative elements in 26 categories and 16 fonts to choose from. The only weak point of Logoease the quality of the Fonts is, in my opinion, there's hardly any classic types are including. Logoease uses due to licensing reasons, only on Free Fonts, and these are sometimes not balanced, unfortunately. A big advantage is that you the Logo in all major file formats, i.e. EPS, Tiff, JPG, and PNG, and the 2 Standard resolutions (300 dpi for print, and 120 dpi for the Web) download.
2. LogoMaker
The selection of illustrations and fonts is logo maker a little better than Logoease. You have the choice of 10,000 for graphics and 20 fonts. However, the used illustrations, you require a license, and you may incur charges if you download the Logo for print products like. A free Weblogo get you but, in any case. It is important in the use of the free Logos in the Web, that you include the exact Code of logo maker on your website.
3. CoolText
CoolText is a really cool thing that allows you to create an effective logo is quite simple. This service works only with text logo, but the number of possible variants of their design is so great that you just find yourself something to taste. Here you can in a couple of clicks to get the result for which you would need hours of training and special programs. Download the logo in various graphic formats, including PNG, JPG and GIF. You can also create buttons for your websites and download a variety of fonts from a huge list.
4. FlamingText
Other generator text logos. Don't be fooled by the name: the only flame effect is not limited. In total there are more than 200 different effects and some of them quite amusing. The algorithm works the same: select the effect type the desired text, editable properties to be saved. By the way, apart from the usual PNG, JPG and GIF, there are also PSD.
5. Logaster
With Logaster you can create Logos and business documents to automatically, with you, the service is proposing over 100 variants you free of charge after registration in low resolution and with watermark download. To Download the Logos in high resolution, fees will be due.
6. Online Logo Maker
This editor gives an impression due to its design and the number of available functions. The creation of a logo includes the selection of an extensive service library of the necessary elements, the addition of inscriptions, and then their editing and customization. You can save the logo in PNG format. Of course, the paid tariff provides for a much more extensive library of elements and additional functions.
I hope that our photography logo ideas helped you. I also want to note that custom branding for photographers is important, but also a very important professional photo post processing. Photographer with a gorgeous creative logo needs to impress a client with the same professional photo retouching.
All the famous photographers use retouching services of photography such as body retouch and another. After all, to have large customer base need to have quality material.
But unfortunately the skin retouching online is time consuming and requires a lot of knowledge, so not everyone can do this job. For such cases, there are services like ours. Not take initiativ, provide work on your photos to professionals! We have extensive experience in this field and boast of the fact that we work with each client individually while saving his own style.
Examples of our work you can see in our high end retouching before after, there you can also read a lot of interesting articles such as List of the Best Advertising and Commercial Photographers and advices in the field of photography. Our photo retouching prices will pleasantly surprise you, because you will earn more in free about photo post processing time than you will spend on retouching we do. We hope that you will become our client and we wish you success in your business!
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