Which Christmas Photo Editing Effects Use The Best Christmas Magazine Covers

Christmas is always a special time. Every country has its own tradition to celebrate it. It is always associated with Santa Claus, Christmas trees, snowy weather, and a cozy atmosphere. We used to give one another presents and cards with pictured attributes of Christmas time. Advertising, big boards, and magazines remind us about this magical time.
Traditionally, the first printed covers of popular magazines of the XIX-XX centuries were created by famous artists and by now, it is possible to find the examples with a signature of the author. For example, the well-known Erte created from 1915 more than 200 masterpieces for Harper's Bazaar. Also, Leon Bakst, Jean Cocteau and Adolphe Cassandre created covers for this edition. In the 40s of the last century, Salvador Dali designed covers, and in the 80s – Andrew Warhol.
Top 10 Best Christmas Covers
So, we decided to collect all covers, which spread a special and unique atmosphere of Christmas, gifts and candid merriment. Even old-hat, gloomy covers of the business magazine Fortune praise traditionally veritable family values. The covers of The New Yorker are still created by skillful artists and represent the genre of social satire.
The publishing houses start to print in these timed magazines with Christmas themes and of course, with eye-candy covers. We decided not to show you classic Christmas covers with Christmas trees, Santas and angels. We found extraordinary magazine covers of all times. Let’s see how the covers of popular magazines have been changing on the threshold of Christmas.
1. The New Yorker
This magazine always surprised readers with its creative covers. The covers often include political issues, trying to show that there is a blessing in disguise. The New Yorker, 2005 was created by Anita Kunz and represented the high point of the Iraq War.
Another cover of The New Yorker, published in 2008, is not usual and is unique among all covers in this article. It had colors that are associated with Christmas. This masterpiece was a handiwork of Bob Staalke who must be in the List of the Best Advertising and Commercial Photographers.
2. Rolling Stone
The holiday edition of the Rolling Stone magazine represented Snoop Dog smoking a candy cane. He looked like Father Christmas. Celebrities dressed in fake fur and red nylon often appeared on the magazine's covers. This issue was published a decade ago, in 2006.
3. Esquire
This magazine is very popular among sophisticated men who have a general interest in the events in the world.
The cover of the Christmas issue pictured Rudolph (Nureyev), a dancer of ballet of Soviet times, and Rudolph (Reindeer). This cover was a centerfold and the reader could see the red-nosed Rudolph soaring into the air. This issue was published in 1974.
Another number of holiday Esquire with an iconographic cover was published in 1992. This cover reminds us of Madonna. The cover is brightly colored.
One more Esquire cover was designed by George Lois. And the issue was created in 1963. World heavyweight champion Sonny Liston was pictured in it. This magazine surprised us with such a variety of covers, connecting with different areas.
We recommend reading our previous article about this magazine - Esquire magazine - extraordinary style of High End photo editing.
4. Baltimore City Paper
Their uncommon issue was created in 1999 by poster-maker Sheparf Fairey. Joe MacLeod, the art director, liked this idea. The cover was without headlines and cover logo. Only Santa Claus was pictured. This issue interested people with its eccentricity.
5. Jet
James Brown appeared on the cover of Jet. This magazine has a peculiarity to put famous people in Santa clothing. Many celebrities adorned the cover, like Sherman Hemsley and Bill Cosby. The issue was published in 1968.
You may look at another issue of the magazine Jet and you will see Marvin Gaye in a Santa outfit. The cover is very ludicrous and at the same time reproduces the holiday's spirit. It was published in 1976.
6. Fortune
In 1930, Fortune started to create elegant, eye-candy holiday covers, attracting the attention of readers. There are many attention-grabbing covers, but we chose the best. Antonio Petrucelli made this issue’s cover. It struck us as singularly memorable.
Another issue of Fortune has a Christmas character. It pictures a lot of Christmas cards with greetings. There are Christmas attributes such as a wreath, deer and a Christmas tree. The issue came out in 1936 and it was designed by Erick Nitsche.
7. U.S. News and World Report
The issue of December 1951 doesn’t picture Christmas attributes. You don’t think about amusement and holiday fun, when looking at this picture. U.S. News and World Report creates a moving image in the middle of the Korean War. Two elements, the muzzle of a tank and Christmas wreath, contrasted with one another.
8. Vogue
Vogue is fashion and lifestyle magazine. The issue of 1940 has an elegant cover. It is so womanly and cute. Expensive jewelry is shown and has nothing connecting it with Christmas.
Another issue of Vogue with a minimalistic cover was published in 1935. It represents the process of unpacking a gift. The cover was created in delicate, low-key colors. Some details, like stars, gives it something enigmatical.
9. Vanity Fair
Santa Clause has a very important role on the magazine's covers during holidays. This issue looks candid and a little bit fretful. It was created in 1935 by Paulo Garretto, a graphic designer and caricaturist.
10. Playboy
The worldwide magazine Playboy is the last, but not the least. The magazine has a long history. As you have already guessed, here you will see girls with Christmas attributes. The first issue, that we would like to represent your attention, was published in 1972. You know Coca-Cola is always associated with the Christmas and New Year holidays. And the creators of this cover didn't miss it. The lovely girl in a Santa Claus outfit and Coca-Cola logo make it special. That's all dur to the Magazine's retouchers - find out some information about Playboy Style Retouching - High End beauty retouching.
Another Christmas cover depicts Playmate Cynthia Meyers. She looks like a Christmas tree. These magic lights and decoration on the floor reproduce the holiday spirit. But just look at Cynthia’s head and shoulders. It isn’t as perfect as it seems. The issue was created in 1968.
We have looked through the past ages of holiday covers and found many clunkers. However, only the best covers got a chance to appear here. As you have seen, the values and interests of humans have been changing during the past several years. The covers inspire and just amuse us. The authors endeavored greatly to create these masterpieces.
These Christmas covers are fetching and extraordinary. Skillfulness and stiffness help the creator to do this work. If you want to have such photographs as appeared on these magazines, we are ready to help you. Our high end photo editing service and professional editors will do their best. We are sure, you will be satisfied.
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